Pre-K Library Book ListSnowmen At Work12 Bugs of ChristmasMax's ChristmasSnowOver The RiverMy teacher for PresidentWolf's ComingApples And PumpkinsOink! Moo! How Do You Do?Silly Little GooseIf You Take A Mouse To SchoolKnuffle Bunny
Kindergarten Library Book listThe MittenSnowmen at ChristmasThe Maine Christmas SongGobble GobbleStick and StoneClick Clack BOOEven Monsters Need To SleepWolf's ComingWhere Is The Apple PieFarmer DuckWe Don't Eat Our Classmates
FIRST GRADE LIBRARY BOOK LISTThe Three Snow BearsTurkey ClausThe Hanukkah HopTurkey TroubleSplat the Cat for PresidentCreepy CarrotsWe The KidsSilly SallyThe Kissing Hand
SECOND GRADE LIBRARY BOOK LISTThe Snowy NapClick Clack Ho Ho HoRed and LuluSnowflake BentleyA Turkey for ThanksgivingFaraway FriendsDuck for PresidentPumpkin JackBats In A BandTime For The FairBig Red BarnLittle Tree